Packaging and Trims

In any sports wear or product collection, you have the garments and you have the accessories that come with the garments.

1、Poly Mailer Bag

Standard poly miller is made out of polyethylene. Obviously can be made of other synthetic materials. But polyethylene is great. It has great tensile resistance. It’s waterproof and overall its super robust material that you can have in different finishes like glossy finish and matte finish. You can have an frosted finish that can be see through.



2、Product Sleeve

It’s a great way to organize goods in your hundred shelves at your warehouse and at the same time once you’ve shipped out goods, you can have all of that information regarding or relating that specific product what sku it is, the barcode, the size, the color.

Some of them have a adhesive lip on the outside, so once you package it, you take off whatever cover you have and you’ll seal in the products sleeve. Some of them have kind of like a zip lock. structure.



3、Hang Tag

Hang tag is our kind of logos, those dog tags, you see attached clothing and they’re just a fun way to kind of create a bit more depth to your brand to tell a bit more of a background story.


Material of the String

Is it metal? is it a plastic ring that kind that is forming the edges of that hole yeah you can also consider the material of the string that goes through. Is it wax-coated? Is it a synthetic material? A lot of different ways to decorate or customize a hang tag so sky’s a little bit it’s a great way to again give it more depth to your brand.

4、Care Label Tag

Care labels or neck tags are come in two forms. They come in the woven tag form which is that kind of that itchy tag or they can be made out of very softness like satin material so that they’re not achieved.

These kinds of tags typically display key information about the brand, they’ll include the brand name, the brand logo, the size of the garment, the material of the garments, some basic washing instructions, maybe a website